Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Frs. Paul

I have two very good priest friends named Paul. So when I tell people, "I am going to dinner with Fr. Paul.", they ask me, "which one". So some of my friends have nicknames for these Pauls and before you now I will reveal their nicknames. (Just a disclaimer, nicknames are not necessarily relevant to the person but better to build an thought or image in someones mind. Like my mom, she always refered to my friend Robert Harris as The Guy in the Hat because, once, he had a hat on when mom met him so...)

Fr. Paul Hachey, SM : "Skinny Paul" : "The one who ran the Peachtree: Paul"

Fr. Paul Beryn : "Other Paul" or "The one I went on the trip with: Paul"

So now when you ask you will know which Paul I am speaking about.

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