Friday, January 30, 2009

No disassemble huh?

They are getting ready, step by step.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

PTC? Nope, Mundelein Illinois

Not seen in PTC for a long time. Ever seen snow like this on your golf

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A letter to the New President.

Maybe you would like to send this (with your own edits of course) to the new President, let him know how you feel about life. If you do decide to send it to the President, drop a note in the comments so I can track about how many people decide to let the new President know how people of faith feel about he primacy of life in all its forms. This is a good way to dialogue with someone who does not share all our views on life. Also don't forget to pray for him as well. Peace.

UPDATE: I did not write this letter, I got it here.

The Honorable Barack H. Obama
President of the United States

President Obama:

As one who supports a consistent pro-life ethic, I wish to commend your efforts to reach out to those who do not agree with you on issues such as abortion. While I oppose Roe v. Wade and believe that it is wrong for the law not to protect the lives of the unborn, I have not failed to notice your calls for dialogue on this issue, and for both sides to attempt to reach common ground on ways to eliminate the circumstances that lead women to make this often-tragic choice.

However, some of your campaign promises, and your actions since taking office, are matters of grave concern to those of us who sincerely wish to work with you to reduce the abortion rate in the United States. In particular, your stated support of the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), your repeal of the Mexico City Policy, your promise to fund ethically questionable research on human embryos, and your failure to support legislation to aid pregnant women who choose not to abort may inhibit your ability to work effectively with the pro-life movement. I regret that this is the case, because pro-life Americans are eager to work with you. For this reason, I ask you to take the following actions:

  1. Announce your support of the Pregnant Women Support Act (S.270), which was recently re-introduced by Senator Bob Casey Jr. (D-PA) and will soon be introduced in the House by Representative Lincoln Davis (D-TN). The PWSA seeks common-sense solutions to the abortion issue by, among other things, promoting adoption, helping pregnant teen mothers finish high school and college, providing shelter to pregnant women in abusive situations, establishing a national awareness campaign to inform women of options and resources available should they face an unplanned pregnancy, ensuring the availability of pre- and post-natal care by eliminating pregnancy as a pre-existing condition, and fully funding already-existing nutrition and health care programs for women and their children.
  2. End your support of the Freedom of Choice Act, which will go beyond merely codifying Roe and alienate pro-life Americans by, among other things, requiring taxpayer funding of abortion and mandating that hospitals perform abortions, even when, as in the case of Catholic hospitals, to do so would be a violation of the sacred principles upon which they are founded. Ultimately, FOCA will increase, not decrease, the number of abortions in the United States.
  3. Encourage Congress to fund research using adult, cord-blood, and amniotic stem cells, which carry none of the ethical problems involved with the destruction of human embryos and which, according to the world’s foremost researchers, offer the same versatility and the same hope for great medical progress as embryonic stem cells.

Mr. President, I believe that, despite our disagreements, there is much that can be accomplished by a respectful and productive dialogue between your Administration and the pro-life constituency. Particularly in the case of the Pregnant Women Support Act, we hope that you will be a firm advocate for measures that have been proven to reduce the abortion rate in states where they have been enacted; we also hope that, in case case of FOCA and embryonic stem cell research funding, you will take the time to educate yourself as to the appropriateness of such measures. In summary, sir, I ask that you consider your general promise to the American people, your promise to reject partisan “politics as usual” and focus on pragmatic, compassionate solutions to the problems that vex our age. In the case of the abortion debate, this would indeed be a change we need.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Stopped at a Japanese supermarket. Yeah!!!!

In Chicago

More later

Did this work on you?

Watch this video (nothing scary in it) and then answer the question. Just wondering if it worked on you. Thanks for being my human guinea pigs for this experiment. Report you answer in the comments, you don't have to sign your name to this comment.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Hello Montana

Hello Montana, I see you coming to my blog, but I have no idea who I know in Montana. Can you drop me a line and let me know, I have been racking my brain to figure it out but I don't know, so if you live in Montana and read my blog with some frequency could you help me out??? Oh, and you must live somewhere around Lewistown if that helps any...please??? Thanks

Funny stuff

So as you know we have been doing Strengths Finders here over the past few months in conjunctions with the survey we took with Gallup. Well my Signature Themes are Command, Adaptability, Woo, Empathy and Ideation. Since this post is not about me, enough about me, save to say I have put my Signature Themes right over there <<--------.

So we have a parishioner and one of her Signature Themes is Communication. She had to have her gall bladder removed the other day. I guess since she was at home and bored a bit, she wrote a press release for her surgery. She was really letting her Communication strength shine. I found it so humorous that I asked if I could publish it here, she agreed. I hope you get a chuckle out of this like I did. Enjoy.

(Fayetteville, GA, January 22, 2009)
Chris and Rhonda Boyle announce the birth of a gall bladder today, named Gallbonzo. Chris has nicknamed the little guy "Golly" but Rhonda prefers "the little bean." They have chosen to have a Closed Adoption and Gallbonzo has been delivered to the Pathology Department of Fayette-Piedmont Hospital and trust that "the little bean" will be properly tested before heading out to parts unknown.
Prior to the surgery, Rhonda's Anesthesiologist, in discussing the case, advised her that as of August 15th of this year -- when she marks the 50th anniversary of her birth -- that it would be "all downhill" from there. She soundly chastised him for the comment and advised him that he needed an "attitude adjustment". She was administering said adjustment in the operating room, right up until the Doctor wisely placed a mask over her nose and mouth in an effort to eliminate the chatter. She hopes that in spite of her abrupt silencing, he learned a lesson in doctor/patient relations and will immediately seek classes on Bedside Manners.
Renowned surgeon, Dr. John Goza took extra time and care navigating his surgical camera through a jungle of scar tissue from previous procedures. When he finally was able to grasp Gallbonzo from the abdominal cavity, he exclaimed, "Gotcha!"
The only near-fatal mistake of the entire procedure was Rhonda's lack of judgment in refusing anti-nausea medication, thinking that the natural remedy at home could overcome such massive quantities of anesthesia. Dr. MarySue Goza saved the day, but only after thoroughly rebuking the patient. "Hang dog" would be an appropriate description of Rhonda's facial expression after being advised by the alternate partner of the Goza medical team. She likened the advice to a "riot act", but humbly admitted responsibility for her lack of judgment.
Chris was overheard saying, "Well, let's just say we will not miss Golly, but wish him well." Rhonda likened the adventure to taking a direct, frontal hit to the gut by a 300-pound linebacker named Brutus. Pain medication, fortunately, was administered quickly by Chris before they left the hospital. As he takes his responsibilities seriously, an alarm is set to go off every 7.5 hours to ensure that before the bell tolls another dose can be taken, effectively reducing Rhonda's pain, whining, and his own suffering. "Belly-aching has taken on a whole new meaning," he said.
Another day or two of rest and recovery is in store before Rhonda hopes to be back involved in her numerous activities. She appreciates all prayers and is offering up any discomfort and suffering for those who are in need. She also hopes that all who read this documenting of the story will recognize that while appropriate and necessary, pain medications do carry some side effects.