Saturday, February 07, 2009

Busy day.

Here are the photos: raw, captioned, uncut and in no particular order.

UPDATE: Hello to all of you from around the net who are landing on my simple blog. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my blog. If you stay, great! (don't expect too much seriousness around here) If you just are here for this then, may God's peace be with you on your journey.

UPDATE II: One parishioner said to me on Saturday: "We are a better parish today, than we were yesterday because of our new Deacon!" I concur!

UPDATE III: Can you tell which one is our new Deacon? Man I took a bunch of photos of just King, sorry to the rest of you guys, you know I love you. Oh, and thanks to King for throwing me under the bus, when he was preaching...he mentioned how I treat you guys during class. For the Men of Ten and beyond...class time will be like Las Vegas, What happens in class, stays in class!

Habeamus Diaconi


Promise of Obedience


Liturgy of the Word

The Odinandi look scared...but in a holy way!


It begins

The ordination is on. More later.


Deacon Bill and his new alb

The families gather

Like lambs before the slaughter

Here are a few of the ordinadi.

Christ the King

This is our Cathedral. Today, son of St. Matthew, King Cooper will be
Ordained. More to come

Thursday, February 05, 2009

March for Life

As you know I went the March for Life in Atlanta week before last. Here are some photos of the March from Emily Conley. Thanks Emily.

Flight 1549

The NYT has a nice piece up with the audio from flight 1549. This is amazing to listen to, it even made me a bit emotional. Go check it out!

Thursday Math

Just in case you wanted to know how a binary counting system you go!