Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Today is the anniversary of my father's birth, he would have been 69 years old. But on a greater scale today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Today can also go down in history for the first time I celebrated Mass & preached in Spanish (not much to write home about, but more than enough to blog about). The homily was the same text, first in Spanish and then in English, again it was not much but it felt like an eternity preaching. It seemed to go well--and by it I mean my massacre of the Spanish language (no it really means the liturgy). It was great to see the church full, lots of my Hispanic, Anglo, & African-American children were in attendance. What a truly blessed man I am. Here are some photos of the fun. Enjoy

h/t to Leon for most of the photos.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the bi-lingual milestone. It's been a while since I have had a chance to look at your blog.
The cake thing reminded me of a story I read in the Reader's Digest this month. -- A woman was having a stressful day at her office, trying to be encouraging, her husband sent flowers with a card he intended to read "I believe in you. Love, Jack" Instead, the card read "I be leaving you. Love, Jack"
Hope you had some chilimac tonight for dinner.

Anonymous said...

Dear Fr Vic,
Really enjoy your blog...the feast of Guadalupe pictures are great. You mentioned that your father's birthday was Dec 12th; my mother's birthday was Dec 12th also. She would have been 84. I miss her still, even after 26 years. Know you must still miss you dad. BCNU and God bless, Jacquie

Anonymous said...

Dude, I miss ur new blog stories!! Where are they hiding? Wish I coulda seen you pull of a bi-lingual mass. Cool.