Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Midnight Mass

Well we bucked the growing trend of having Midnight Mass earlier than Midnight (I heard one parish was having their midnight Mass at 9:30 PM...whaaaaa???) Here are some photos of our Midnight Mass 2007...Enjoy

h/t to the Ngoddy Family for taking the photos.


Anonymous said...

Where was the nativity? Interesting pictures but didn't we forget the focus of the event?

Fr. Vic said...

Judy, no those were just some of the picts from midnight Mass. I need to get photos of the Nartex with our new Nativity scene, quite nice. I wish I had the photos from the Nativity before the Baby Jesus was placed in it...nerdy joke, but funny. Maybe someone who went to the evening Mass has photos they would send me so I can share them here. peace