Sunday, January 27, 2008

what is this about?

Ok so at the Mass on last Monday this guy was in front of us the whole time. It kinda bugged me, what with aligning Christianity with warfare. This is not the first time I have been troubled by it, but it just kind of bothered me at the Mass for Life. Anyway, what do you think. Oh, and since I am asking for comments. When you are done commenting, just make sure to leave your name at the end of the post or sign up for an account so I know who you are. So again, what do you think?

And if you cannot read his shirt (click photo for larger view) it says:
Christian life is WARFARE. Hit hard, with heroic virtue. Hit fast with the 10 commandments. Hit often with vigilant prayer.

Oh and when you read it remember who said it first, and in what setting.


Ken Miller said...

The message on this shirt is certainly inappropriate for a March for Life event, and I can't even imagine wearing it to any Christian event. The WARFARE concept triggers memories of the abortion clinic bombings, and the attacks on the people associated with the clinics. As cruel and horrible as the act of abortion is, you will never effectively convince the pro-choice/pro-abortion groups that their cause is wrong if you, yourself, are associated in any way with violence.
Rather than citing an Admiral Halsey war cry, use a quote from John Paul II or Dr. MLK Jr. (or even Gandhi)instead!
P.S. On a lighter note, this guy needs to get his T-shirt's from Snorg!

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't we respect life in all stages? To me that means treating our fellow men with respect even if we have a conflict with them. I would think his shirt is a not promoting his cause in a just manor - pray for him. AFGG